Thursday, 16 February 2012

Pattern Storage


This was one of the first Pins I saw that I knew I HAD to make :-) I scoured the shops for a metal kitchen roll holder (well a couple anyway) and couldn't find one, so I turned to Ebay and found one very cheap even with the postage. I also bought my book binding rings (took ages to find the correct search term lol) at the same time. When they had both arrived I realised that the rings were too small!! Back to the drawing board, well Ebay, to find the right size. I also bought some mixed pastel coloured card, to stiffen the file protectors (which I already had). I had all my supplies for ages, before I got round to putting them all together, no idea why as it was simplicity itself :-)

A VERY easy project to complete :-) It looks great :-) And its flexible enough to be able to add more protectors as needed.

I'd get on with it straight away and not leave it for ages before starting! I'd also buy the kitchen roll holder first, and measure what size binding rings I needed, before buying them! And I'd add plenty of extra file protectors, as I've already filled them all, and it is a pain adding any more without all the original ones falling off the book binding rings!!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Knight Costume

This wasn't actually Pinspired! It was inspired by Princess Lollipop's love of the TV programme "Mike the Knight" (pictured above) and the lack of suitable Knight costumes anywhere! Although I doubt if I would have even thought of making my own if I hadn't already been a regular on Pinterest :-)

I bought a painting tabard to use as a pattern, as despite searching under all the terms I could think of I couldn't find a suitable template for one online. I decided to make a quartered design, rather than the solid colour that Mike the Knight has. Using the folded tabard as a pattern, I cut out the felt, instead of a shoulder seam I cut the front and back in one piece with the fold as the shoulder "seam." I cut one top in pink and another in blue, and then cut two bottom quarters in pink and two in blue. I sewed the pink bottom quarters to the blue top and vice versa, then sewed down the centre seams. Not forgetting to press the seams open between sewing the different parts. I then top stitched all round the edges and around each quarter. I drew a small shield shape, and cut that out in blue and appliqued it to the front top pink quarter, just using a straight stitch (the beauty of non fray felt).

Again using the painting tabard as a template I sewed two small lengths of 1 inch elastic to the sides to fasten the front and back together.

I bought the sword and shield from the Toy Shop :-)

She opened the sword and shield pack first, and knew immediately what they were and grabbed them and shouted "I Mike the Knight" She also recognised the tabard as soon as she opened it, but isn't as keen to wear it as the Superhero cape.

I would remember that this costume was for a 3 year old, and not leave the ends of the top stitching open (ie. not reverse stitch over the ends) and hand sew them, so there isn't a double lot of stitching! It was the fiddliest part of the whole costume, and totally unnecessary! I'd also check the size against the child I'm making it for - the tabard reaches past her knees (plenty of growing room lol).

Super Hero Costume


I made the Super Hero Costume for Princess Lollipop for her 3rd Birthday, so I had to make it in her favourite colour - PINK.

I used felt for the whole thing, and found it wonderful to work with, especially as it needs NO hems :-) I used a bib as a template for the neckline and then cut the rest of the cape to the size recommended in the Pinspiration. I found another Pin that had free printable templates for Super Hero motifs and chose a lightening bolt. I cut that out in white felt and appliqued it to the cape, using just a straight stitch. I top stitched all around the cape in white, just to give it some extra stability, and because I like how it makes it look more finished. I then sewed velcro to the neck to fasten it (so that it will easily come undone if grabbed when playing). I rounded the edges of the velcro square, so that it won't scratch Princess Lollipop's neck when she puts it on.

I also made Super Hero Cuffs using this Pin again in pink felt, with a white heart motif appliqued on, again with just a straight stitch. I sewed velcro along the short sides to fasten the cuffs, again rounding the corners so they don't scratch. And I top stitched all round the edges in white.

And lastly I made a simple pink felt Super Hero mask, from a template online, but I can't find the Pin I linked to it from, sorry. I measured Princess Lollipop's head and sewed on 1/4 inch elastic to hold it on.

"I a Super Hewo" shouted before running up and down the room with her arm raised in a "Superman flying" type pose :-) She likes to wear the cuffs (which are a bit big and fall off) but isn't too sure what they are. She is also convinced that the lightning bolt on the back of the cape is a Christmas Tree lol.

Practice sewing curves more! And I'd check the size of the neckline against the child I was making it for, as its quite tight and has no room for growth.